Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Isn't it a pity

I quite like Valentine's Day - I love that, despite how busy everyone can feel, it prompts people to make thoughtful, unique and loving gestures for those who meant most to them. And, no, I'm not talking about the people who grab petrol-station flowers on the way home; I'm judging them.

But, tonight, I feel positively seething, the result of some rather thoughtless comments from a supposed friend. This Valentine's day, when I told him that, no, I wasn't really looking for any guy, he had the audacity and social obliviousness to say, "Oh, that's so sad. You really should" before launching into some trite how I needed to find myself at the man of my dreams asap.

Should? According to who exactly? I'm completely baffled as to what this comment was supposed to achieve. Either, I'm really not looking for anyone, in which case I couldn't care less of what I 'ought' to be doing. Or, if it did bother me that I didn't have someone to share things with, how is such a judgement comment in any way constructive? What was he expecting? That I'd turn and say, "You're right! If only someone had mentioned my inadequacies sooner!"

It made me so angry that I inhaled a whole portion of tiramisu. This was not in the plan. What made me more angry was I was so blind-sighted by this supposed sympathy or encouragement or however he chose to delude himself that I didn't have a good reply for this horrible comment. I just smiled. Urgh! I wish I'd told him how rude he was being, that he should focus on his own life rather than mine and that his alleged pity was even worse than a barefaced insult.

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